house Steven Apr 7, 2024

School Subjects in Irish

In Irish secondary schools, students typically have the opportunity to study a wide range of subjects across various disciplines. These subjects are divided into core subjects, which are mandatory for all students, and optional subjects, which students can choose based on their interests and career aspirations.

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oldschool poster
house Steven Feb 5, 2024

Vintage Irish Posters

Looking to add some character to your bedroom or college digs?. While there are countless options to choose from, why not add a touch of nostalgia and Irish charm to your space with vintage Irish posters?

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Muay Thai Shorts
house Steven Jan 3, 2024

Stick To Irish Muay Thai Shorts

The growth of Muay Thai in Ireland has been nothing short of remarkable. What was once a niche sport confined to a few enthusiasts has now blossomed into a thriving community with gyms and clubs popping up across the country.

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